Sweet Secrets Unleashed: Decoding Sugar Labels on Wildermart

Written by: Shweta Thakur



Time to read 6 min

At Wildermart, we believe that knowledge is the key to making informed decisions. Today, we turn our attention to one of the most prevalent ingredients : sugar. Are you confused by the various forms and names of sugar listed on food labels? You're not alone. In this article, we break down sugar labels, equipping you with the knowledge you need to navigate grocery aisles. Understanding sugar labels is not only important for those with dietary restrictions or specific health goals, but for anyone who wants to know exactly what they're putting in their bodies. With our comprehensive guide, you'll be able to understand our shelves better, make healthier choices, and take control of your nutrition.

Understanding Different Types of Sugars

When it comes to sugar, it's not just about the white granules you sprinkle on your morning cereal. Sugar comes in many different forms, and it's important to understand the distinctions between them. Here are some of the most common types of sugars you'll find on food labels:


1. **Sucrose**: This is the most common form of sugar, often derived from sugar cane or sugar beets. It's what we typically think of as table sugar.


2. **Glucose**: This is the simplest form of sugar and is the primary source of energy for our bodies. It's often found in fruits, vegetables, and honey.


3. **Fructose**: This is another natural sugar found in fruits, vegetables, and honey. It's sweeter than glucose and is often used as a sweetener in processed foods.


4. **High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)**: This is a sweetener made from corn syrup that has been processed to convert some of its glucose into fructose. It's commonly used in soft drinks, baked goods, and condiments.


5. **Maltose**: This is a sugar formed when two glucose molecules are bonded together. It's often found in malted drinks, beer, and some sweeteners.


Understanding these different types of sugars is essential for decoding sugar labels and making healthier choices. Now, let's dive into the specifics of sugar labels on Wildermart products.


Decoding Sugar Labels on Wildermart Products

At Wildermart, we are committed to providing our customers with transparent and accurate information about our products. We have classified our labels into different collections. Here's what you need to know.

1. **High/Low Sugar**: Total sugar on the label refers to the total amount of sugar in a product, including both naturally occurring sugars and added sugars. We have used FSSAI baseline numbers to define high & lows. Also, a rule of thumb is anything with 20% RDV per 100gm is high while 5% RDV is low.

2. **No Added Sugars**: Added sugars are added to a product during processing or preparation - not just from the ingredients. No added sugar means no sugar or substitute was added, other than ingredients already present. So no artificial sweeteners, unrefined sugar, nothing!

3. **Artificial sweeteners**: These are food additives added to provide similar sweetness but not the same calories. They are of two types - 0 calorie sweeteners and sugar alcohols. 

4. **Whole Food Sugars**: These are sugar sources which are generally allowed on a whole food plant based diet. Eg Date, agave, etc

5. **Unrefined Sugar**: Unrefined sugar is obtained when only one step of sugar extraction has been done on cane. It contains 8-14% molasses. Jaggery is usually unrefined.

6. **Refined Sugar**: Refined sugar goes one step further processing to remove most of the molasses & increase the sugar content. This is usually the white sugar form we know. While brown sugar is raw-er than white, we still treat it as refined sugar.

By understanding these classifications, you can choose the right sweetener when shopping at Wildermart. 


How Wildermart treats sugar

Sugar can go by many different names, making it challenging to spot on food labels. Our algorithms spot 60+ names of sugar & 80+ names of artificial sweeteners. Here's our take on some key ones:


1. **Reject if sugar is key ingredient**: If any sweetener is the main ingredient of a food product, we do not list the product on our store.

2. **Reject some sweeteners**: We do not list products with unhealthy & dangerous sweeteners on their label - aspartame, neotame, butane & more. We also reject certain sugar alcohols like xylitol, lactitol & more.

3. **High Sugar Warning**: We have created warning labels for products with sugar higher than recommended FSSAI baseline for total sugar.

4. **Artificial Sweeteners**: We highlight products with artificial sweeteners because they tend to be disease-linked when consumed in high quantities.

 We highly recommend checking out our unrefined, refined sugar-free,  low sugar & whole foods sugars  sections if you are cutting out your sugar.

Tips for Reading and Interpreting Sugar Labels

Reading sugar labels can be overwhelming, but here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

1. **Check the serving size**: Pay attention to the serving size listed on the label since that is the amount you will actually consume in one go. 

2. **Look for label badges**: We have created label badges for high sugar, added sugar, refined sugar etc which can help you understand the content without reading the labels yourselves.

3. **Consider the % Daily Value**: The % Daily Value for sugar is based on a 2,000-calorie diet. As a general rule, aim for products that contain no more than 10% of the Daily Value for sugar per serving.

4. **Compare similar products**: If you're choosing between two similar products, compare their sugar content. Opt for the one with less sugar or choose a sugar-free alternative.


By following these tips, you can make more informed choices and take control of your sugar intake. 

Healthier Alternatives to Sugary Products

If you're looking to reduce your sugar intake but still satisfy your sweet tooth, there are plenty of healthier alternatives to sugary products. Here are a few options to consider:

1. **Fresh fruits**: Fruits are naturally sweet and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Opt for whole fruits or make a fruit salad instead of reaching for processed sweets.

2. **Natural sweeteners**: Instead of refined sugar, try using natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia in moderation. These sweeteners can add flavor to your dishes without the added sugar.

3. **Dark chocolate**: Dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage can be a healthier alternative to milk chocolate. It contains less sugar and is rich in antioxidants.

4. **Homemade treats**: By making your own treats at home, you have full control over the ingredients. You can use healthier alternatives like whole wheat flour, unsweetened applesauce, or mashed bananas to reduce the sugar content.

By incorporating these alternatives into your diet, you can satisfy your cravings while reducing your overall sugar intake. But how do you find the right sugar match when shopping at Wildermart?

How to Find the Right Sugar Match on Wildermart

At Wildermart, we understand that everyone has different dietary needs and preferences. That's why we offer a wide range of products to suit various lifestyles. Here are some tips for finding the right sugar match on Wildermart:


1. **Filter by sugar content**: Use our online filtering system to search for products with specific sugar content. You can use the sugar slider to find products that align with your preferences.


2. **Product badges**: We have read all the labels and converted them in badges which you can find on the product page.

3. **Hit the right collections**: We have multiple sugar classifications on our store. You can find them in the filter tags or go to the right collection.

4. **Reach out to our customer support**: If you have specific questions about the sugar content or ingredients of a product, write to us at hello@wildermart.com and we will get you a solution!


Understanding sugar labels is essential for making informed decisions about what we consume. Wildermart helps you make sense of the labels so you can take control of your nutrition and make healthier choices. Please remember, our algorithms are always learning. So if you do find a discrepancy on our listing, reach out to us on our support channels & help us rectify it and serve you better!

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